Monday, November 20, 2006

Conserve the remain (renewable or fuelless)

For whatever reason in nowaday world, we cannot go on destroying what we have on/in/under earth. We need to look into something...... to conserve whatever we have now and let it remain for generations to come.

We heard of renewable energy, electric car, hybrid car, fuelless engines etc. but why we do not see it emerge into something that demanding by us. Why they dont produce fuelless engines? Why the renewable technology not famous among us? Why we do not take initiative to further research for it. Why governments do not spend the money for R & D? Why electric car wa stop 20 years ago? Why hybrid car received so many negative response? Where is BMW hydrogen car? Where is VOLVO hydrogen car? Where is Wind Energy in the ocean??????????????? Those are questions that we will never get the answers.

Why nobody continue Nikola Tesla research. Where has the documents written by Nikola Tesla on free electricity gone? Who took it?

If the electric cars and hybrid cars get on the road from now on, gradually, we will definitely ok. If the fuelless engines inventors were not threaten by governments, the fuelless engine will definitely help our earth a lot.

If Minato san from Japan commercialize Electric Motor which the electricity input is almost half less than the ouput, the world still has hope. Of course if the government do not stop him.

If the Ed Gray engine has been built in mass volume, the world shall not be choked by Carbon Monoxide now.

If Nikola Tesla documents were not taken and hide by irresponsible governments, the world should have new source of energy by now.

If.............................and million more if....................... we only hoping to have a better world around us.

We should have radiant energy in all technology now. We should have fuelless engine to run cars, airoplanes, power station etc. by now

Why the governments STOP all these??? ANother million WHY, we still will not get any answer.

We need to go on searching for new energy.

So guys! let us introduce the NEW ENERGY in this blog. You can blog provide input of RENEWABLE ENERGY, RADIANT ENERGY, FUELLESS ENGINES, WIND ENERGY, OCEAN ENERGY, HEAT ENERGY, SOLAR ENERGY etc.

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